5chan - The 4chan clone with NextJs


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4 mins

18 Sep 2021

This the continuation of the 5chan project : we've already discussed the Design and API So for the final step I'll create the frontend.
The flow:
  • New user opens homepage / app
  • Gets assigned a random user id until clears data
  • Generate random Avatars using @dicebar/avatars
  • Can create posts / delete own posts
  • Look through posts timeline
  • Reply to posts
Now, we'll init a nextjs app and install the dependencies we'll need:
  • Chakra-UI - Components
  • swr - Data fetching
  • zustand - state management
  • @dicebear/avatars - generating avatars
  • formik - manage, validate post create form
# Get the nextjs app template npx create-next-app 5chan --typescript cd 5chan pnpm install # The chakra-ui UI library, icons for chakra-ui & swr pnpm add @chakra-ui/react @emotion/react@^11 @emotion/styled@^11 framer-motion@^4 @chakra-ui/icons swr zustand @dicebear/avatars @dicebear/micah formik
  • To setup chakra-ui, you'll have to wrap the app with ChakraProvider like so:
import { AppProps } from 'next/app'; import { ChakraProvider } from '@chakra-ui/react'; import '@/styles/globals.css'; export default function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) { return ( <ChakraProvider> <Component {...pageProps} /> </ChakraProvider> ); }
  • The types.ts for consistent structures:
// types.ts //User State export interface UserStore { user: User | undefined; setUser: (user: User) => void; } // User Object export interface User { id: string; avatar: string; } // Posts export interface Post { CreatedAt?: Date; UpdatedAt?: Date; DeletedAt?: boolean; ID?: string; title: string; author: string; body: string; replies?: Reply[]; } // Post Reply export interface Reply { CreatedAt?: Date; UpdatedAt?: Date; DeletedAt?: boolean; ID?: string; author: string; body: string; postId: string; }
  • Generating random user and avatar data then storing them in LocalStorage for later use :
//user.ts import { customAlphabet } from 'nanoid/async'; import { User } from './types'; import { createAvatar } from '@dicebear/avatars'; import * as style from '@dicebear/micah'; const userKey = 'currentUid'; const createUser = async (): Promise<User> => { const nanoid = customAlphabet('0123456789', 10); const id = await nanoid(); const avatar = createAvatar(style, { seed: 'id', dataUri: true, }); const user: User = { id, avatar }; localStorage.setItem(userKey, JSON.stringify(user)); return user; }; export const getUser = async (): Promise<User> => { let result = localStorage.getItem(userKey); let user: User; if (!result) { return await createUser(); } user = JSON.parse(result) as User; return user; };
  • The great thing about zustand is that you don't have the wrap the entire app inside a context to use it. It can stay away from the UI code as small stores. So it's easy to use.
//stores.ts import create from 'zustand'; import { User, UserStore } from './types'; export const userStore = create<UserStore>((set) => ({ user: undefined, set((state) => { state.user = user; }), }));
  • Now the API requests to
//replies.ts import { Reply } from './types'; /// export const fetchReplies = async (url: string):Promise<Reply[]> => { const result = await fetch(url); if (result.status >= 400) { return []; } return (await result.json()) as Reply[]; }; /// export const postReply = async (reply: Reply): Promise<Reply | undefined> => { const apiUrl = `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL!}/api/v1/replies`; const apiKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY; if (!apiKey) { return; } const req: RequestInit = { method: `POST`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: apiKey }, body: JSON.stringify(reply), }; const result = await fetch(apiUrl, req); if (result.status >= 400) { return; } return (await result.json()) as Reply; };
  • The API calls for
    ing &
    ing posts:
import { Post } from './types'; /// export const fetchPosts = async (url: string): Promise<Post[]> => { const result = await fetch(url); if (result.status >= 400) { return []; } return (await result.json()) as Post[]; }; export const fetchPostById = async (url: string): Promise<Post | undefined> => { const result = await fetch(url); if (result.status >= 400) { return; } return (await result.json()) as Post; }; /// export const createPost = async (post: Post): Promise<Post | undefined> => { const apiUrl = `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL!}/api/v1/posts`; const apiKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY; if (!apiKey) { return; } const req: RequestInit = { method: `POST`, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: apiKey }, body: JSON.stringify({ ...post }), }; const result = await fetch(apiUrl, req); if (result.status >= 400) { return; } return (await result.json()) as Post; }; /// export const deletePost = async (url: string): Promise<boolean> => { const apiKey = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY; const req: RequestInit = { method: `DELETE`, headers: { Authorization: apiKey! }, }; const result = await fetch(url, req); if (result.status >= 400) { return false; } return true; };
OK now comes the final boring part, designing the UI. but it's ok we only have three pages to code:
  • Index page - intro, how to use.
  • Home page - timeline of posts, discussions.
  • Posts page : dynamic page according to post id.
You may design them however you want but if you still want to look over the code you can find the source code at:
  • layout
    • container.tsx
  • components
  • pages
That's about all we need right now. After running the project and deploying it. Here are the screenshots ✨✨
This project is live at: https://5chan.vercel.app/

The source code of this project lies at: https://github.com/100lvlmaster/5chan-go

You can find me at: Website https://100lvlmaster.in Github https://github.com/100lvlmaster

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