Nextjs Web app for the intersect,height=420,fit=cover,gravity=auto,format=auto/

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9 Jun 2021

The Nextjs App for the intersect

I'll quickly use a template to create the nextjs app with basic setup with
support because css is boring.
git clone
cd nextjs-tailwind-typescript-starter
This will give all the required tools already setup. So that we can get the app up and running in no time
  • You can use your preferred method for making a Http GET request but I'm using axios in this one.
# lib/get_search.ts import axios, { AxiosRequestConfig } from "axios"; export const getImages = async (searchString: string) => { const config: AxiosRequestConfig = { params: { q: searchString }, headers: { Authorization: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_KEY }, // Authorization header we set in the server }; const data = await axios.get( `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_API_URL}/search`, config ); return; }; //
  • We'll also create a flash-screen component
# /components/flash_screen.tsx import { useEffect, useState } from "react"; const FlashScreen = (props) => { const [currImage, setImage] = useState(0); // const toggleImages = async (index: number, pass: number) => { if (index < props.images.length) { setImage(index); await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); return toggleImages(++index, pass); } if (props.images.length < 70 && pass < 2) { return toggleImages(0, ++pass); } props.onEnd(); return; }; // useEffect(() => { toggleImages(0, 1); }, []); return ( <div className="h-screen w-full flex-grow flex flex-col justify-items-center items-center bg-black"> { string, index: number) => ( <img className={"w-full object-cover h-full".concat( index == currImage ? " " : " hidden" )} key={index} src={e} ></img> ))} </div> ); }; export default FlashScreen;
  • And finally the
# pages/index.tsx import { useState } from "react"; import { getImages } from "../lib/get_images"; import FlashScreen from "../components/flash_screen"; import NextHead from "next/head"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; const Home = () => { const router = useRouter(); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [images, setImages] = useState([]); const [showImages, setShowImages] = useState(false); let query: string = ""; // const onSubmitButton = async () => { setLoading(true); const data = await getImages(query); setImages(; setShowImages(true); }; /// Call on mount const handleChangeEvent = (e: any) => (query =; return ( <div className="bg-black text-white"> {showImages ? ( <FlashScreen images={images} onEnd={() => { setShowImages(false); setImages([]); setLoading(false); }} ></FlashScreen> ) : ( <div className="flex flex-col"> <div className="h-screen w-full flex flex-col justify-items-stretch "> <Spacer /> {loading ? ( <div className="flex flex-col justify-items-center items-center space-y-10"> <h1 className="bg-red-600 rounded-lg text-3xl h-10 p-1 text-center"> downloading.. </h1> </div> ) : ( <div className="flex flex-col justify-items-center items-center space-y-10"> <h1 className="bg-red-600 rounded-lg text-3xl h-10 p-1 text-center"> The Intersect </h1> <input placeholder="search .." className="text-black bg-gray-200 rounded-lg text-sm p-2" onChange={(e) => handleChangeEvent(e)} ></input> <button className="bg-red-600 text-white p-3 rounded-lg hover:shadow-lg text-bold" onClick={onSubmitButton} > Flash </button> </div> )} <Spacer /> </div> <div className="p-10 text-center text-xs text-gray-400"> </div> </div> )} </div> ); }; export default Home; const Spacer = () => <div className="flex-grow"></div>;
  • Now we can just run our app using
yarn dev

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